We did a case-study with one of our most active users, Stephen. In this case-study we explore how ArchSocial, a specialized recruiting service for the architecture sector, has modernized it’s resume sharing process by introducing CloudFiles.
You can check out the full slide deck here.
The case study is divided into the following four sections :
- Meet Arch Social - In this section we talk about what architecture social actually does. We also introduce Stephen, founder and focus of this case-study. We finally talk about the ArchSocial’s 2-sided business process with candidates & clients and a lot of files.
- Arch Social’s Problems - In this section we cover the various issues that Stephen faced with his traditional file sharing approach. We finally boil down all the problems to file chaos in the servicing industry.
- Solving File Chaos - With an understanding of the core issue, we re-visit Stephen’s process with changes for CloudFiles. We see how the central issue of consolidation & control get resolved by using the app.
- Benefits - We finally explore all the expected and unexpected benefits that Stephen has been seeing with the app. This also provides us a window into some future use-cases that Stephen plans to use the app for.
Check out these snippets from our interview with Stephen
1 - Meet Arch Social
Architecture social is an online platform packed with content to help you find new jobs, stand out from the crowd and take your career in Architecture to the next level. It helps candidates search for relevant opportunities, connect with relevant companies and guides both the sides in the process. You can check out ArchSocial's website for more information on their core business.
Stephen is the founder of the Architecture Social, an elected member of the RIBA Council and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has been instrumental in our journey of building CloudFiles. His constant feature suggestions have helped us shape the product. His daily usage & quick bug reporting keeps the team on their toes.
The full case-study shows a graphic for this recruitment process on Slide 7. The ArchSocial process consists of resumes coming from candidates & requirements coming from clients. A team handles the shortlisting & deals with constant distractions & changes before the final candidate is selected.
2 - ArchSocial's Problems
ArchSocial faces 3 major problems namely large file sharing, file consolidation & long hiring drives. Each of these can be identified using some of Stephen’s experiences and his comments during the interview.
E.g. things like email bounce because of attachment size limit or the need of trimming arising implies that the central problem is large file sharing. Similarly being lost in a jungle of email attachments and always searching for the right attachment is a file consolidation problem.
The full slide-deck covers these problems in detail. Additionally we talk about 2 side-effects on slide 11 that happen due to broken file sharing practices. When keeping on top of files is a challenge, client experience is ignored. We boil down all these different factors to file chaos in the servicing industry.
3 - Solving File Chaos
It does not take much for Stephen to solve most of his problems. He solves the consolidation problem by using CloudFiles datarooms and then the control problem by sharing them as links rather than attachments.
This is a minor change when put in context into Stephen’s whole process but it has a lasting impact. The slide-deck also shows Stephen’s sample dataroom through which all the problems are resolved. Finally we re-visit the three problems we had talked about in the previous section and see how those are resolved with Stephen’s new process.
4- Benefits
In this section we first summarize all the various benefits, that Stephen has noticed, consciously or sub-consciously. These include positive comments (which are rather rare in architecture), simpler process, focused & happy clients etc…
We then focus on two KPIs namely NPS & Service that Stephen associates most of the improvements to. has witnessed a substantial increase, rising from an average of 7.5 to an impressive 9.2, signifying a significant rise in client satisfaction. Clients now experience greater ease in accessing all files, contributing to a remarkable 30% reduction in service time. Slides 21 & 22 talk about NPS & Service time respectively.
The file analytics slides of the deck also talks a little bit about how Stephen is currently using it some extent already, and plans to use it much more in the future. We end with a small testimonial from Stephen.
To read more about ArchSocial, check out their website.